Quality Off Grid Water and Ice

Water is essential for life, we all depend on it to keep us hydrated, provide us with minerals, protect a fetus, clean us, our homes and belongings and, for some, carry energy and messages. No water means no life. When going off grid, water is not something you can do later. A water source needs to be established ASAP.

Right now I would rate my off grid water system as weak. It’s also temporary as I’m currently researching rain water systems. For now, I’m hauling water in from a friend’s house. I’m well provided for when it comes to water however, it’s time consuming to have to keep going to get it. I’m also dependent on the grid (in many ways still).

Photo by Mike on Pexels.com

The physical act of hauling it in is not really what I don’t like about it. I like the exercise. It’s the lack of independence and the quality of the water. I’m naturally independent, always have been. I really know no other way and I believe it’s served me well…most of the time. It’s also very time consuming and my time is precious. I like to be productive and use my time to serve me. Although getting water serves me, there’s a better way that won’t eat up so much time.

As far as the quality of the water…it’s municipal water full of toxins…fluoride, which was used on Nazi prisoners to keep them compliant and weak, chloride and the like. I don’t consider it safe for consumption for humans or animals. I don’t vaccinate my animals, instead I take a natural approach to their lifestyle and I have very little issues. The issues I’ve had I was able to take care of with diet and herbal medicines. If I want my animals to have natural health, I need give them what is natural.

I consider water from most municipal sources dead, lacking minerals, medicine and messages. I put it through a Berkey water filter which removes the dangerous chemicals and other impurities. The water is safe to drink and tastes OK however, there is still something off about it. I often do a blessing over it and infuse it with high vibe energies such as love, care, joy, etc. It feels better after doing it…at least to me. I’m not sure if the dogs are feeling anything or even care.

Ice is nice to have and, for now, needed for a cooler. I figured I was spending 1800 a year on ice, that does not include the gas and wear and tear on the car to go get it. It also takes up some time. I buy it daily in the hot summer months and every other day the rest of the seasons. It adds up!!! Instead I found a nice ice maker on clearance, saving me a ton of time and money. I run it every time I run the generator, about 10 to 12 hours a day during the hottest days and 3 to 6 hours a day in the cooler seasons. It makes plenty of ice for the cooler and me. The catch is if I’m gone for the day, no ice is getting made and I’ll buy a bag. This happens very seldom as I’m rarely gone all day. It’s nice that I do have access to ice.

This is my temporary situation. It gives me something to look forward to…a new rain water system, cleaner, natural water for bathing, cleaning, cooking and drinking. No more dependence on the grid for water and my independent side is happy. I’ll have more time for other things.

Stay hydrated!

Rainie Dae Weaver

Published by Rainie Dae - Love of Lotus Apothecary and Farm

Merry Meet! I'm a Herbalist, Farmer and Nature Witch in beautiful East Tennessee. I live in the woods with my 2 dogs where we are growing our off grid homestead and herb farm. I love wild harvesting medicine and food as well as making traditional foods and medicines. Being off grid, I'm mindful of the energy we use and what we are doing to the land we all depend on. I do my best to be as sustainable as possible. We're not perfect however, we're always improving! I value my fellow humans, my local, national and worldly communities. There's nothing better than seeing someone get healthier, happier and more empowered to help themselves. Healing isn't just ingesting a concoction or rubbing cream on the skin, it's so much more than that. As a healer, I can't deny that education is part of the healing. I'm of the belief that man made chemicals are responsible for the rise in dis ease. I've seen amazing changes in my health myself after eating mostly organic and Non-GMO. Due to my research and personal experience, I do not allow any chemicals or GMO ingredients in Love of Lotus Apothecary and Farm products. It makes no sense to me to put man made poison or franken plants in Mother Gaia's medicines. When I'm not being a foraging herbalist, I love hiking, swimming in nature spaces, spending time with loved ones, cooking, growing plants and meditating. I love rocking out behind my sexy ass drum kit and spending time with loved ones. Your time is greatly appreciated. Merry Part, Rainie Dae

Let's all share what we know, research what we hear and treat each other with love and respect.