The Miracle of Chaga Mushroom Tea

Our creator put us on this planet with everything we need to stay well, happy and strong. Man’s medicine simply can not compete for many scientific reasons. Lately I’ve felt sluggish, like I can’t get enough sleep and spacey in the head. I eat naturally and organically grown whole foods, avoid ultra processed foods and buy very little from the grocery store these days. I know some of this is caused by some of the spiritual work I do as well as being ascension symptoms. I’ve had ascension flu before and I can usually tell if my symptoms are from spiritual work or something else. I believe this is a combination of both. It’s 95 degrees or better outside these days in East Tennessee. Although I’m pretty heat tolerant, the heat is certainly having an effect on me.

I know how to take care of myself and when I come across something I can’t figure out, I let it go and ask my guides what I should do. I’m sleeping a lot more, drinking high quality water all day and eating well. I drink herbal tea on a daily basis which really helps to keep me well as well as keeping my thoughts in alignment with the health I want to be. This time I needed something else but couldn’t put my finger on it. I fell like I was running through the same list of botanicals in my head but none of them were standing out as “the one”. As I was going through some herbs and cleaning out my inventory I came across Chaga Mushroom. I had him in a baggie in a plastic storage box. I looked down at the little chunks and felt him. He called to me, telling me he’s the answer to my issues.

What’s ironic is I just got done studying Chaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus), he’s an amazing ally. He’s amazingly anti-cancer and anti-viral. He not only prevents cancer but treats it as well. Chaga does not like cancer! He fights a plethora of different types of cancers. He keeps viruses from attaching to cell walls and has an affinity for respiratory viruses…excellent for the scamdemic virus and other flu viruses. He stimulates the immune system to help ward off bacteria and viruses. He is also amazing against hepatitis-C. He’s a great inflammation reducer, he suppresses the chemicals that mediate of inflammation and he does a great job with the inflammation due to ulcerative colitis. He’s also great for physical endurance as he wards off fatigue. These are just a few of the long list of benefits Chaga Mushroom has for us humans.

I have an older dog, Sabian, my beautiful Lab/German Shepard mix. She’s my baby girl, she’s been with me for so long! She is having some hip issues as well as not as energetic as she once was. She’s losing weight and was throwing up and had diarrhea. Her vitality was waning, she stopped playing with Fluffy, my other beautiful dog who is a Great Pyrenees/Border Collie mix. She just looked miserable and her energy wasn’t feeling right. I have been giving her Chaga Mushroom tea for a week and the difference is night and day! The diarrhea and vomiting are a thing of the past. She’s playing with Fluffy again and will even climb up on the bed with the help of a stool. She stopped coming on the bed which was a huge red flag for me. Her movement is better although today I’m making bone broth to help better address the hips. I have her on a high quality food and I make their soft dog food. Right now as I’m typing this she’s playing with Fluffy which puts me in a good mood!!!

There are so many more benefits to this amazing tree fungus. I strongly suggest researching. There are few studies on Chaga Mushroom so I lean on ancient wisdom and what has worked before we came up with our modern science. There are no safety studies on Chaga so we do not give it to pregnant or lactating women, young children and babies or our elders. Those prone to kidney stones should not take it nor should those with auto-immune dis ease and those with disorders of the blood. It can make pharma drugs leave the body quicker than their supposed to. Because of it’s effect on the blood it should not be taken 2 weeks before surgery and consumption should not be resumed for at least 2 weeks after. Always do your own research and check with your natural medicine professional if you have any questions or concerns.

Have you tried Chaga Mushroom or any other mushrooms for yourself of a fury family member? I’d love to hear your stories!

With Love,

Rainie Dae Weaver

Published by Rainie Dae - Love of Lotus Apothecary and Farm

Merry Meet! I'm a Herbalist, Farmer and Nature Witch in beautiful East Tennessee. I live in the woods with my 2 dogs where we are growing our off grid homestead and herb farm. I love wild harvesting medicine and food as well as making traditional foods and medicines. Being off grid, I'm mindful of the energy we use and what we are doing to the land we all depend on. I do my best to be as sustainable as possible. We're not perfect however, we're always improving! I value my fellow humans, my local, national and worldly communities. There's nothing better than seeing someone get healthier, happier and more empowered to help themselves. Healing isn't just ingesting a concoction or rubbing cream on the skin, it's so much more than that. As a healer, I can't deny that education is part of the healing. I'm of the belief that man made chemicals are responsible for the rise in dis ease. I've seen amazing changes in my health myself after eating mostly organic and Non-GMO. Due to my research and personal experience, I do not allow any chemicals or GMO ingredients in Love of Lotus Apothecary and Farm products. It makes no sense to me to put man made poison or franken plants in Mother Gaia's medicines. When I'm not being a foraging herbalist, I love hiking, swimming in nature spaces, spending time with loved ones, cooking, growing plants and meditating. I love rocking out behind my sexy ass drum kit and spending time with loved ones. Your time is greatly appreciated. Merry Part, Rainie Dae

Let's all share what we know, research what we hear and treat each other with love and respect.